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Child Safety Standards Online training Modules

Online Module - Keeping Children and Young People Safe - Level 1 - National Principles (ACT,NT,WA,SA)


ChildSafe Australia’s Keeping Children and Young People Safe – Level 1 is designed for all people who work with children and young people. This self-paced online course is designed to provide you with a good understanding of child safety in organisations and your role in creating a safe environment.

Based on the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and state-based standards, ChildSafe’s comprehensive training assists staff, employees, contractors, and volunteers in creating safer environments for children and young people.

Key learning

Through this Level 1 module, you will learn –


  • Why child safety is important
  • How organisations and individuals can empower children
    • Principles of empowerment and inclusion
    • Importance of sexual abuse prevention programs
    • How you can empower children and vulnerable people
  • How to involve families and communities
    • Open communications and engagement
    • Your role in open communications and engagement
  • How diversity and equity are promoted and respected
    • Equitable access and how we can support equity
    • The difference between equality and equity
  • How to ensure staff and volunteers are suitable and supported
    • What the steps are for appointing and screening suitable safe people
    • What policies relate to working with children in your jurisdiction
    • What the appropriate behaviour of a safe team is
  • How your organisation’s policies and practices, and effective complaints management should be accessible and responsive to indicators of abuse and disclosure
    • What the impact of abuse is and how to respond sensitively to a child or vulnerable person who discloses abuse
    • What constitutes reasonable belief
    • What the barriers are to reporting child abuse and how to be prepared to report child abuse to authorities
  • The importance of education and training for staff and volunteers, and how your organisation can ensure that staff and volunteers are able to identify indicators of child harm and respond effectively
    • What abuse is and the key abuse categories
    • What the indicators/signs of abuse are
    • Some common myths about abuse
  • The importance of managing physical and online environments
    • The purpose and importance of safety and risk planning
    • Basic risk factors and a scenario for evaluation of risks
    • High risk activities and critical incidents
    • Some risks in an online environment
  • How conducting reviews ensures that policies and procedures, including record-keeping practices, are being implemented by staff and volunteers
    • Importance of reviews to improved implementation
    • How you can support the review and improvement process
  • The need for your organisation to have policies and procedures, documenting how it ensures children’s safety and wellbeing
    • What appropriate behaviour is and how the code of conduct supports and regulates behaviours within the organisation
    • How to build a culture of safety and care
    • How the code of conduct can practically address specific situations and disputes


I have attended child safe training for at least a decade and this is most comprehensive child safe training I have participated in. Love the audience engagement.

Church Sector - QLD

Looking forward to digging in to some of the resources mentioned to further create a culturally safe environment for A&TSI children.

Government sector - VIC

Laura was really great, helping us through what was difficult but important content. She really helped us to apply the principles we discussed back to our own organisation.

Government sector - VIC

Enjoyed the information and the opportunity to be reassured we’re on the right track.

ChildCare sector - VIC

$38.50Add to cart

Course duration

Approx 120 mins

Self Paced

Who is this course designed for?

An introductory module specifically for child-facing roles. Level 1 provides a base of training suitable for all STAFF and VOLUNTEERS.


Course delivery

Online self-paced course for individual learners.

Certificate on completion

Certificate on completion.

Training Multiple Team Members?

Make ChildSafety Training simple with ChildSafe. – Purchase online and get started.

  • Select your desired courses and add multiple copies to your cart.
  • ChildSafe will create your account on the Learning Portal and email you login details for the number of users purchased.
  • You can distribute these to learners as you need them. (Unused modules don’t expire)
  • Users can add their own personal details on login and will receive a certificate on completion.

Would you like to Self Manage your team?

Open a ChildSafe direct Portal Management Account.

Manage your own team – For Regular online training users (not using Safety Management Online , SMO) Childsafe offer direct training portal management. 


  • Manage your own organisational groups, with access to allocate, monitor and report completion.
  • Enrol users yourself when you need them to complete training. 
  • Receive quarterly training invoices. (Quarterly Post billing is available on agreement.) 
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