Young people might be involved in organisations like youth groups, sporting clubs, music or art societies, religious organisations or volunteer groups. These can give young people opportunities to build skills, follow interests, and give back to the community.
Getting involved in community activities or volunteering can boost teenage confidence and build skills.
By getting involved with community activities, teenagers can come into contact with like-minded peers and positive adult role models, other than their parents. Interacting and cooperating with other adults and peers in community organisations encourages teenagers to see the world differently. It also helps them see how to put values or beliefs into action for the good of others. The child must be safe when doing community activities or working for volunteer organisations.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.