Training to support you and your organisation in child safety.
Help for Organisations
Supporting organisations and people that work with children and youth.
ChildSafe empowers organisations to prevent harm and abuse to children and young people. Organisations have a wide range of compliance requirements in providing child-safe environments. ChildSafe assist organisations to understand these requirements, engage staff and volunteers, and discover how to address program-specific risks in your unique practical environment.

Developing policies and procedures
Resources to turn policies into procedures, processes, and actions.

Child safety audit & roadmap
Measure your compliance with Child Safety Standards and build a roadmap for organisational improvement.

Risk management tools
SMO framework to empower your organisation’s child safety practices.
Safety Management Online
Are you looking for a structured, systematic approach to help your organisation apply the Child Safety Standards?
Engage employees in training and compliance on their devices. SMO helps your organisation to:
- Train staff at all levels to create, share, and implement child safety policies/procedures
- Record Working with Children Checks, implement robust onboarding, and child safety checks
- Capture, record & report incidents
- Save time and money in development of policies, processes, and systems
Organisations we have worked with
Client Sectors
- Sporting & Recreation
- Churches & Religious Organisations
- Local Government
- Childcare & Education
- Leisure & Aquatic Centres
- Gyms & Personal Trainers
- Sporting Bodies & Associations
- Tutors, Coaching & Mentoring
- Youth & Community Organisations
- Disability & NDIS
- Camping & Retreats
- Professional Support Service Providers

Sport is a vital part of the development of children in Australia and has significant benefits in the lives of kids. Sporting clubs want to see children and young people engaged, excited, and enjoying their sport; passionate about their game, their club and their team. Children and young people want to feel accepted, connected, and safe in these environments.
Sporting bodies at national, state and local levels have adopted and are implementing the 10 National Child Safety Standards. These standards are combined with state standards, regulations, and laws.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety your club can rely on to help your volunteers meet your club’s child safety requirements. ChildSafe empowers clubs with training, resources, and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

More than 50% of Australians identify with a religion, with over 43% identifying as Christian in the 2021 census. Ministry to children and young people plays an important part in their faith journey, providing peer support and a community of faith and teachings.
Jesus encouraged us to let the children come to him – and not to hinder them!
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
The heart of any church or religious institution should be to keep children and young people safe. ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your church can rely on to help your staff and volunteers to meet your church’s child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your church’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empower organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

There are 537 councils Australia-wide. Of these, around 55% are regional, rural, or remote councils. The local government employs 194,000 people, which is nearly 10% of the total public sector. The local government has an important role in local service delivery and support of local organisations, businesses, and residents.
Many local governments directly deliver services to children and young people, including child and maternal health, childcare, early learning centres and kindergartens, before and after school care, and youth services. Local governments strongly focus on child safety and ensure that their staff are educated on child safety issues and how to respond.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that you can rely on to help you meet your council’s child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your council’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empower organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

The first five years of life are the most critical for building the foundations for life-long learning, wellbeing, and health. These early years of education prepare children for more formal education in primary and secondary school. Parents and teachers build long-lasting trust as they play a critical role in each child’s growth. Parents and children desire trusted safe environments in childcare, early learning centres, kindergartens, long day care, out of school hours care, and primary and secondary schooling.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Participating in physical activity and limiting sedentary behaviour is central to a child’s health, development and psychosocial wellbeing. Regular activity supports brain development, bone strength, muscle control, balance and coordination, and helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Being active can positively affect sleep patterns, mental health, concentration, self-esteem, and confidence.
Aquatic and leisure centres are important community spaces that contribute to the health and wellbeing of users. Used by a wide variety of people, aquatic leisure centres are particularly important for children learning to swim and participate in sports.
Leisure and aquatic centres face unique risks in delivering services such as swimming lessons and coaching in which adults and children naturally interact, as well as a range of other circumstances that simply do not exist in other facilities and services.
ChildSafe has consulted extensively with leisure centre staff to develop programs specific to the aquatic, sporting, and leisure facilities.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Many young people benefit from a structured environment to improve their health and fitness. Gyms and personal training services support young people in meeting their health goals.
Commercial fitness providers are well placed to offer children and young adolescents safe and enjoyable physical activity opportunities. However, because of the vulnerability of young people, specific guidelines are required to maximise their safety and wellbeing while they are attending physical activity programs.
ChildSafe has consulted extensively with leisure and recreation staff to develop programs specific to the aquatic, sporting and leisure facilities.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Young people can have a lot of fun, make new friends, pick up new skills, and keep active and healthy by participating in sports. Our kids, our neighbourhoods, and our clubs all gain from this.
All parties involved – from state sporting organisations to leagues and associations, clubs, coaches, and parents – must be committed to developing kid-safe sports. We can all enjoy playing and cheering on the sports we love if we work together to make junior sporting clubs and organisations a safer place for young people to be.
Sporting bodies and associations are well placed to develop and share resources and processes that will create a safer practice at the club level.
Clear guidelines, codes of behaviour, screening practices, and clear lines of reporting are critical.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Tutoring, coaching and mentoring can help strengthen comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills. Tutoring gives students individualised attention that they don’t get in a crowded classroom. This helps children who struggle to keep up, as well as those who aren’t challenged enough. Children greatly benefit from this individual support which is tailored specifically to their needs.
Tutoring, coaching and mentoring occur in a range of environments including tutoring centres, in-home and online. Parental trust is strengthened by good child safety practices and adherence to a clear code of conduct.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help you meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Young people might be involved in organisations like youth groups, sporting clubs, music or art societies, religious organisations or volunteer groups. These can give young people opportunities to build skills, follow interests, and give back to the community.
Getting involved in community activities or volunteering can boost teenage confidence and build skills.
By getting involved with community activities, teenagers can come into contact with like-minded peers and positive adult role models, other than their parents. Interacting and cooperating with other adults and peers in community organisations encourages teenagers to see the world differently. It also helps them see how to put values or beliefs into action for the good of others. The child must be safe when doing community activities or working for volunteer organisations.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Like everyone, people with disability want a high quality of life. To achieve this, they seek access to and pursue outcomes across all areas of life, such as education, employment, health care, housing, and justice. While many people with a disability routinely and actively participate in these areas, some face challenges doing so.
People with a disability may need assistance to participate in social and economic life. Disability support workers and NDIS services provide this valuable support. Children and young people with a disability represent a particularly vulnerable group as 1 in 5 adults with a disability (20%) have experienced abuse before the age of 15.
Disability service providers can ensure they have high standards of child safety practice with improved screening, background checks, codes of conduct, and training for service providers. Service providers can build higher levels of trust with parents and people with disability by setting, implementing, and communicating child safety standards and processes.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Australians who have gone on school camps know firsthand that outdoor learning programs support personal development and learning new skills.
A recent OYPRA report found that students who had been on a camp for at least five days, who started with lower levels of self-efficacy and/or higher levels of anxiety, showed significantly higher self-efficacy, substantially lower levels of anxiety, and statistically significant increases in peer and school connectedness after they returned to school.
There are hundreds of camps, outdoor activities, and service providers around Australia. Each of these environments works with schools, organisations, and directly with individual families, children, and youth. Health and safety are paramount in providing child safe services and positive experiences for campers.
Camping and retreat providers can ensure they have high standards of child safety practice with improved screening, background checks, codes of conduct, and training for staff and volunteers. Camping and retreat providers can build higher levels of trust with parents and young people by setting, implementing, and communicating child safety standards and processes.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.

Raising children and being part of a family is not always easy. There are up and downs, uncertainties, and sometimes, unwelcome surprises. To help families negotiate tough times, there are a wide range of parenting services and supports.
Children and young people regularly require access to a range of professional services. Parents and children seek out knowledgeable and safe professional support service providers. Protecting children from abuse and neglect generally requires the coordinated efforts of practitioners from various health and welfare sectors.
ChildSafe Australia is the expert in child safety that your organisation can rely on to help your staff meet your child safety requirements. ChildSafe’s framework strengthens your organisation’s screening, training, incident reporting, and risk management.
ChildSafe empowers organisations with training resources and tools to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.
Creating a culture of child safety
Fitting all the elements together
ChildSafe Australia has developed a child safety framework to empower organisations to develop a culture of safe people, safe places and safe programs. The ChildSafe Framework brings together the essential elements that every organisation requires to develop a culture of child safety.
ChildSafe’s program has been developed with over 15 years of child safety experience working with organisations. The ChildSafe framework encompasses the 10 National Principles for Child Safety and guidelines for creating Child Safe Organisations.

Structured training for organisational levels
ChildSafe’s training supports the different levels of responsibility in your organisation. Each of the core standard modules builds on the one below it according to responsibility, building safety capacity across the organisation. ChildSafe training engages your teams, embedding a common understanding of child-safe environments and equipping participants to fulfil their role in creating a safe organisation.

Did you know?
Your organisation has a range of multi-agency compliance and reporting requirements.

Developing a child safe culture
ChildSafe Australia recognises that developing a child safe culture is a journey that takes time, resources, and investment.
Every organisation’s journey of child safety implementation has its own starting point. Every organisation has a unique environment and child safety context. Organisations face a challenge to meet legislative requirements, implement National Child Safety Principles, meet state standards, and develop policies and procedures. ChildSafe can journey with your organisation and empower you to develop a culture of safe people, safe programs and safe places.
Online training
ChildSafe have developed a range of online training designed to assist people who require the flexibility of self-paced learning. Learners can start, pause, and resume training at times to suit their availability. Learn at your pace – on mobile, tablet or computer. Learners are issued a certificate on successful completion of the course.
ChildSafe workshop training can be delivered face-to-face or via virtual classroom and is available around Australia. Workshops are a great way to engage your team in shared learning, with participant involvement in scenarios and discussions related to your specific environment. Workshops develop a shared understanding and language around child safety.
ChildSafe webinars are a great way to engage with the topic content and ask questions of the expert presenters. Choose from a range of past or upcoming topical webinars, invite your team or friends, and impact the safety of children in your environment.